SadServer Apia task url:
Simple file-level task. Using md5sum and diff only.
Compare all files, find unusual md5 hash:
md5sum files
Use diff command, add word in solution, md5sum to check: final commands
Vladimir Cicovic - Security, Programming, Puzzles, Cryptography, Math, Linux
SadServer Apia task url:
Simple file-level task. Using md5sum and diff only.
Compare all files, find unusual md5 hash:
md5sum files
Use diff command, add word in solution, md5sum to check: final commands
Solution for:
File people contain all names, what we need is to find md5 hash of real name to add into mysolution file.
First, command to extract all people names:
awk '{print $1" "$2}' people >> find
After that we need to extract proper name with md5 hash from file "find", so use command:
while read -r col1 ; do
echo $col1 "$(echo $col1 | md5sum )" | grep 9bba101c7369f49ca890ea96aa242dd5
done < find
and here you go your killer name:
Killer name