SadServer Solutions - Manhattan medium

SadServer Manhattan - medium, url: My first medium task and solution. When I log in - running just

sudo systemctl restart postgresql@14-main.service

The issue is in these lines: "no space left on device" Postgress issue

After running df -h, notice 100% usage for /opt/pgdata/ Removing files that do not need it at all - solved this issue.

Postgres solution Solution

SadServer Solutions - Bucharest

Postgress Solution for Bucharest

Bucharest - url for task: File edit:

If we run command:

PGPASSWORD=app1user psql -h -d app1 -U app1user -c '\q'

We could see issue with access and file named "pg_hba.conf " If we open file, and we could see next lines:

host    all             all             all                     reject
host    all             all             all                     reject

If we dig manual for file - we could find that "reject" do that - reject any connection. So replacing with md5 word reject (use sudo for editing file and restarting services), and restart services with

sudo systemctl restart postgresql@13-main.service